Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Ive lived a life thats full, Ive traveled each and every highway, And more, much more than this..... WE DID IT OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR (very dirty) WAAAAY

So, it's been a while, we sit here now back in Bangkok readying ourselves for part dos of our gappie adventure.
But, alas alack alay, what has the last month held for us??? If you're wondering, that's quite convenient as we're about to tell you.

RIGHTYOUARE, we did indeeeeeeeeeed take the third class overnight train down to chumporn/chumpon either way. thai's like their porn. It was pretty glamorous. We had our own bench... well actually.... we didn't. We had to share our bench with some locals and made our way through the darkness and the bugs (mainly the bugs) daaaaaaan saaaf to the islands!
Arriveth we at 5am, looking our finest, to meet a bus and a boat all the way to Koh Tao whence we checked ourselves into Seashell Resort whencewhenceforth became our home for the next two weeks!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! woo.
we lovedlovedpassionatelylusted for Koh Tao and we made lots of friends (including meeting once more with olive's cousin Max and his fine ass other half, Becky). Many a free banana shake and pad thai ensued. On Koh Tao we rreally just chillaxed relaxed, acted all cool whilst shooting some meatball outside of the school....
we actually did.
Seashell became our home away from home and we made friends with all the staff and got free drinkies and were allowed to order off menu and generally be our grubby selves (and put off all their other customers). By afternoon (morning didn't really exist) livi basted herself on the beach until she returned to the bar, DRIPPING in sweat, ready for her cheese and coleslaw baguette(s). Rosa hates sunbathing.
By evening we watched movies (MILK probably our favorite.... though Bedtime stories was pretty special) over dinner and memorised exactly where played movies at what time. Cos that's how we roll fellas. THE NIGHT DID NOT END THERE, nononono (except sometimes it did....)
Oft, we would go to Crackers bar (actually called Choppers. We fondly nicknamed it.) and listened to the shocking Ozzie and Irish inhouse singers putting their own spin on such classics as "Toxic" and "Sweet Child of Mine". That crushed the spirit a little. But they did play all football games and make a killer Long Island Ice Tea so.... all was forgiven. Naturally.
Then (not that we got stuck in a routine or anything) we'd gather the troops (WE HAD FRIENDS!!! IT WAS AMAZING) and go to Lotus Bar for some really godawful music but some verver cool fireshows. Except when they set fire to people. But as long as it's not you.... it's rather entertaining....

Inbetweenst our two week jaunt in the Tao, we went to Koh Phangang. We took the boat out on the 11th and got the first boat back on the 12th. Nuff said about THAT.
Apparently that's not enough said. OLIVIA. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. So we'd planned to go for a week but HATED it, though we conceed that we did the whole thing completely wrong by going and staying right in the middle of the main town which was like underground camden market + 40 degree heat + rabid dogs + no escape. And no redeeming features. It was grim. Really, really grim. Plus livi left her pasaporte. A master stroke on her part. SO WE WENT BACK HOME!!!!

NEXT UP..... our lovely little horrible journey from Koh Tao (place of the gods) to Koh Lanta (place of the.... trolls). This little island hop involved an overnight "boat" to the mainland. We, joyously, departed on a particularly rough day (the boat the night before had sunk) which guaranteed us a particularly green 10 hours. It was commented by one of our amigos (se llama Lee) that the boat had the engine of a lawnmower and the cabin resembled a convicts ship as all the paper thin, 5 centimetre wide, bedbug infested mattresses lay one next to the other. Personal space was sacrificed severely.

But, obviously, we made it (ipods and all) and then had the small matter of another bus, bus, bus, a few more buses and a boat until we reached rainy koh lanta whenceforth we met Mike Raynor and some fellow Londoners. We stayed at a place called Emerald Bungalows and, inbetween bouts of dengue fever, went slowly but surely mad. There was no escape. And we wanted escape.
But we did manage to get ourselves some of the biggest buckets (alcamahol) known to man!!! They were biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig. We did have lots of laughs here though - three to a bed, fashiontv, AIR CON-BLOODY-DITIONING, drinking games et al. So all wasn't even remotely lost!

SO some more bus,bus,few more buses, overnight bus, taxi later we arrived back in bangkok and fell back into our old cinema-subway routine!!! Though yesterday we went with some others from the guesthouse to Khaosan road and did a very teensy bit of shopping. But then watched X-men: The Origins which was WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKED.

And now we departeth for Ozzie land and boy oh boy are we excited for a new country!!! Equally cannae believe that our time in thighland has ended and we're already half way through our trip. (we really miss school. CLC not NLC!)

Anyway, we will keep this updated more regularly (but don't hold us to it)

We shalt love you and leave you as we look forward to nights without the sweats and mornings without the shits,

Livi and Rosa


  1. shooting some B-BALL outside of school
    JESUS why does everyone think its meat ball?!
    have fun the land of Oz!!
    miss you
    love finn
